It's not very often that we get to speak to an International Wrestling Superstar, but this week saw The Mexican Sensation, El Ligero, take on TNA British Bootcamp Winner, Mark Andrews. The venue was Leeds' own Tidal Wrestling Championship and through his personal translator, we managed to get a short interview with him after the show......
What's your earliest memory of wrestling?
Watching the main event of WWF WrestleMania 8, Hogan vs Sid, on a tape that my dad had borrowed from my cousin, who was already a big wrestling fan. That was in 1992, and I was 8 years old.
Who were your inspiration(s) to become a wrestler?
When I was a child, Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage were my favourites. When I started my teens, I'd say Mick Foley and Spike Dudley, as I became a bit of a hardcore fan. From when I started taking wrestling seriously though, Shawn Michaels became a huge inspiration.
How did you break into the UK scene?
I started training in Sheffield with EPW in early 2001, and debuted for them on Feb 9th, 2002. Later on that year, I started working for a breakaway promotion called UKWA and started branching out from then.
If you could have a dream match with anyone, past or present, from any promotion, who would it be against and what type of match?
Is it a massive cliche to say Shawn Michaels in the main event of Wrestlemania? If it is, Mad Man Manson at Skegness Butlins.
What's your favourite thing about wrestling in the UK scene?
I think that's a very hard question to answer, as there's a lot to love. How vast the talent pool is, how fantastic a lot of the camaraderie is and how many friends and wonderful people I've met, how enthusiastic the crowds are these days. All that aside, I like it when the promotions give us free stuff and energy drinks.
Who are some of your favourite current wrestlers in the UK?
Far far too many to just cut it down to such a small list! I'd say my closest friends in the business are Project Ego, The Models, CJ Banks and Rampage Brown, and they're all fucking fantastic.
What's your current entrance music?
My own custom music, which I've had for years.
Which is your favourite type of match to work?
The ones where I say Ariba!
Which town has the best crowds?
Haha, I refuse to chose favourites and risk alienating myself from the others.
Whats your favourite move?
The one where I say Ariba! after it.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Probably still saying Ariba. In all honesty, I love what I do. I try and find the good and the positive in everything I can, in any situation, on any show. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to do this job and I can't see that passion dwindling. So long as I'm wrestling, I'm happy.
Big thanks to El Ligero for chatting with us, we look forward to seeing plenty of him on the UK scene in the future!
Follow him on Twitter (@Ligero1) and Facebook (
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