Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What's next for Sting? Here's my 5 ideas.

He's finally here.

For any wrestling fan from 1990 onwards, this Sunday's Survivor Series was a helluva reason to mark out, and I mean MARK THE F*** OUT. Whether you watched him in WCW or his later career in TNA - when the lights went out and you saw the promo vid, the '10 year old you' went crazy, and that's absolutely fine. Welcome to WWE, STING.

But now the dust has settled and The Icon didn't show up on Raw - I'd like to ask the question:
'Now what?'  Where can/will WWE lead on from this epic moment, and what could Sting possibly do within WWE?

I’ve got a feeling that there is a possibility of going down a few possible roads here;

1. Sting v Triple H @ WrestleMania 31.
The in-ring staredown and Scorpion Death Drop gets Sting over enough as it is, he is Anti-Authority and now they have fallen Triple H wants to seek revenge for showing up and costing him the match. Sting would obviously go over and after a good build up he can walk out head held high, and straight into his HOF placement for 2016.

2. Sting v Triple H @ Royal Rumble.Depending on how many matches Sting wants to sign up for, this match could somehow lead to into Sting v Taker at Mania. As I said above, it's all going to be about retribution for Triple H and having Sting win could set him off on his own Streak within WWE - gloating that 'WWE doesn't have any important streak's anymore' etc. The only downside would be this could be a Sting heel turn, and I'd have guessed he might want to go into Mania a babyface? (Or maybe he's not bothered)

3. Sting interferes at Royal Rumble, costing HHH another match.
This could be typical WWE booking - not having a solid setup for a Rumble or Mania match up and just having him do the same as Survivor Series again. Not something I'd like to (or any logical fan) but seen as WWE are currently ramming the whole "ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN WHEN YOU BUY THE NETWORK!" this wouldn't surprise me.

4. Sting wins Royal Rumble, faces Brock Lesnar @ WrestleMania 31.
Yeah it's highly unlikely (esp given SuperCena already has a ticket to face him at some point from HIAC) but imagine the pop if The Icon went on to beat The Beast, winning the WWE World Heayweight Championship as the lights go out, and with a *GONG* The Undertaker appears and cuts a promo asking who the hell he thinks he is, coming back and winning the title after Taker couldn't beat Brock las year and losing his beloved Streak. Sting replies with him being The Icon and the best wrestler that the dark side has seen and it's time Taker gave up and retired - Undertaker say he is right, and a CAREER V CAREER match is ON for WrestleMania 32.

5. Sting v The Undertaker @ WrestleMania 31.
THE BIG ONE. We all know this is the reason Sting is back - the IWC can come out in full force with "He's past it" "OMG It's 10 years too late" "They're both past it ffs" "It's time to give up now" blah blah blah, but I think we all know that we would totally mark out for this match. Yeah it might not be the best wrestling match, but Vince loves to stick a nostalgic match in at Mania if he knows its gonna draw big money and guess what? Mania 31 will be no different. 
Will you be sports entertained? Gimmie a Hell Yeah!
The potential build up for this, in my opinion, should have already started by now - but ICON v ICON is the only way to go. Undertaker doesn't 'need' the win now the streak has ended and neither does Stinger, it's just the right thing to do.

As I've stated above, before I get jumped on for ideas that have no way of happening, this is purely my thoughts written down and ideas for where to go with the whole Sting storyline. I'd like to think a representative of WWE may be reading (HI!) and get some ideas!

What's your ideal Sting scenario?
Let me know in the comments below! 
Tweet me over at @WrestlingMANIAx and @iHux!

Thanks for reading.

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