Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Gimmick Street - The Miracle From Milan

Hello wrestling fans!

Thanks for joining me once again for my new feature which I am calling 'Gimmick Street'. Once a month I am going to talk about the gimmick of a superstar, including their background and growth into it, as well as my thoughts on the current programme and a look to the future and where the character can go. If you have any superstars you would like me to talk about then feel free to get in touch on the Twitter . So let's get into it!

Monday, 12 May 2014


Hello wrestling fans!
Welcome to my wrestling blog, where we shall talk about the wonderful world of sports entertainment.
I have been writing columns for around a year, so firstly I will post up my previous columns for you to have a look over and see just what I've been babbling on about.
I will also put up reviews of Monday Night Raw and the monthly Pay Per View's.
I'm really looking forward to this blog and hope you enjoy it! It will be a mix of creative input, silly humour and generally putting the wrestling world to rights!

All feedback appreciated so don't be shy. :)
